In life, we have ups and downs and everything in between. But often at times, we end up in situations where we don’t know what the next best choice is or even where the decisions we make will take us.
These are situations I call crossroads.
You feel an intense emotional drive to move one way or another. You're scared of where one road might lead and what will happen when you leave the other one behind, you aren’t sure if the choice you are making is the right one and feel as though people are going to feel hurt or left behind in any decision you make.
But when it comes down to it there are too many people living lives that they don’t want to live, too many people feeling miserable in the decisions they made that brought them to where they are now and too many people crying themselves to sleep because their choices or the inability to make the choices they truly wanted lead them to a place to where they didn’t want to be.
The place is called complacency.
No one should have to live their life in a way that doesn’t allow them to be the best version of themselves and no one should have to settle with “just being okay”
You have one life to live and it can be a long, prosperous life filled with amazing people and amazing memories or you can choose to live a life filled with regret and sorrow, filled with decisions you felt you had to make in order to make others happy or to do what you thought you were supposed to do.
No one want’s to be in a position to where they have to take a drive to cry it out, or fall asleep with tears streaming down their face or wake up and want nothing more than to just end the day.
If you’re one of the people who are living a life any less than exactly what you wanted it to be I encourage no….I demand that you work to change it, that you work to be happy and that you work to be the best version of yourself for no one else other than YOURSELF!
Right now make the decision and the conscious effort to start living life for you and not for anyone else, make the decision to base your choices on what makes the most sense for you and your life. Not the decision that seems to be the most practical or the safest.
I’ll say it again:
The world is full of people who made the safe and practical decision or were too afraid to make a change.
Don’t be one of those people! Be you, for you and for no one else!
Then one day when you meet people who make you shine, make you smile and make you the best version of you stick with those people and call them your friends and family. Those are going to be the people that help you live the best days of your life.
Finally when you meet that special someone who makes you smile and supports everything you do every day of the week, tells you when your ideas are crazy but you should do it anyway and then goes into it full force into it with you.
That person who makes you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach on day 1 and day 500, the person who ignites passion in you like you’ve never experienced and that passion seemingly never winds down or falters no matter how long you've been together
The passion that makes you smile when you wake up and the passion that makes you smile when you come home.
The passion that makes you want to lay around all day just to be with that person and the passion that drives you to want to never live another way without them.
That my friend is called a soulmate and there’s someone out there like that for you you just have to make sure you absolutely and unequivocally never, ever settle for anything less.
From the incredible friends and family you have in your life to the soulmate you find everything should be the culmination of the decisions you made to live the best life you can imagine!
When you hit crossroads in your life and you’re not sure what you should do next look deep down inside, think long and hard and always work to come to a decision that makes you happy, not feeling safe or like it’s the right decision. But the decision that makes you smile!
Because the only person who has to live with regret is YOU.
Life should be worth living and even more so it should be a constant adventure. Now go out there and make it happen!