Captain of Your Fate or Prisoner in Your Head | Culture of Care 004
Something I realized a long time ago is that I am the captain of my fate and the hero in my story and this is the topic for episode 004 of the Culture of Care Show.
If I feel held back it’s due to my limiting beliefs.
My inability to push past fear and take the risk in the unknown.
If I can’t break through that fear I end up stuck. Seemingly with nowhere to go and no one to help.
This leads to giving up or the feeling of failure.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Imagine taking that chance, controlling your life.
Embracing fear.
Embracing uncertainty.
Because it leads to a better tomorrow.
Break the chains holding you back.
Take back your life.
Wake up tomorrow with the entire world in the palm of your hand.
The confidence to shake the entire world and the feeling that you’ve accomplished everything you dreamed of.
It starts with you and ends with you.
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